
We have categorized GeoDIL images to make it easier for the user to browse the library. Click on any of the categories below to see images that are available (some images have been included in more than one category).
Minerals (1268)
Silicates (411)
Carbonates (203)
Oxides and hydroxides (216)
Native elements (73)
Sulfides and sulfosalts (227)
Borates and iodates (13)
Nitrates (2)
Sulfates (117)
Xenoliths (15)
Cross bedding (17)
Bedding (19)
Ripple marks (8)
Sandstones (52)
Limestones (25)
Shales (30)
Graywackes (8)
Red beds (3)
Mudstones (1)
Migmatites (2)
Quartzites (3)
Marbles (1)
Slates (1)
Gneisses (3)
Schists (8)
Thin sections (61)
Erosion and weathering (170)
Rivers, streams, springs (120)
Mass wasting (13)
Shorelines (67)
Ocean and sea (50)
Lake and swamp (12)
Landforms (65)
Lake processes (19)
Paleosols, soils (16)
Caves, karst (9)
Floods and flooding (21)
Water falls (17)
Upper Cretaceous (50)
Paleocene (28)
Paleogene (19)
Tertiary (25)
Archean (1)
Proterozoic (40)
Holocene (23)
Pleistocene (2)
Quaternary (7)
Mesozoic (20)
Paleozoic (24)
Jurassic (36)
Cretaceous (30)
Triassic (18)
Miocene (4)
Oligocene (6)
Eocene (9)
Permian (18)
Pennsylvanian (11)
Mississippian (12)
Carboniferous (3)
Devonian (3)
Silurian (1)
Ordovician (13)
Cambrian (23)
Precambrian (34)
Cenozoic (5)
Earth resources (483)
Groundwater (1)
Mineral resources (367)
Energy resources (8)
Building materials (18)
Gems and gemstones (101)
Folds (43)
Monoclines (2)
Unconformities (6)
Faults (36)
Fault features (8)
Inclined beds (11)
Mountains (48)
Joints (16)
England (3)
The Chalk (3)
North America (147)
India (13)
Deccan Traps (5)
Lameta Formation (7)
Jabalpur Group (2)
Vertebrate fossils (24)
Reptiles (4)
Mammals (1)
Invertebrate fossils (34)
Mollusca (8)
Microfossils (4)
Trace fossils (15)
Bioturbation (1)
Trails (1)
Paleobotany (11)
Taphonomy (12)
Dams (10)
Roadside geology (36)