Title | Siliceous oolite, State College, Center County, Pennsylvania |
Description | The Gatesburg Formation is a light gray silliceous oolite cemented by a light gray compact silica (chalcedony). Oolite is here used as a rock name, but the term also refers to the small spherical grains that can be seen (about 1 mm in diameter). The oolites were probably originally made of calcite but are now made of chalcedony. This sample is 9.5 cm across. |
Chronostratigraphy | Cambrian |
Lithostratigraphy | Gatesburg formation |
Location | USA ▹ Pennsylvania ▹ Center. Near State College. |
Photographer | Mike Davis. 2001-04-05. |
Collection | Ward’s Collection of Classic North American Rocks #57. |
Key words | Siliceous oolite, oolite, Pennsylvania, Gatesburg Formation |
Tech details | 676 KB. Hand specimen. Fujifilm FinePix S1Pro digital camera; 60mm AF Nikon micro lens. |
GeoDIL number | 292 |