
A Geoscience Digital Image Library

DescriptionAllanite, called “orthite” in Europe, is one of the most common rare earth minerals. Up to 20% of it's weight may be rare earth elements, making allanite a potentially valuable ore. It is a silicate with the chemical formula of (Ca, Ce,La,Y)2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH). It is also slightly radioactive and radiation damage may alter the atomic arrange of allanite crystals (making them metamict) and may also affect minerals around allanite grains. Metamict allanite grains have normal outward appearance but are isotropic, like glass. The sample shown is approximately 9 cm across.
LocationCanada ▹ Manitoba. Southeast Manitoba.
PhotographerShannon Heinle. 2002-01-22.
CollectionUniversity of North Dakota Mineralogy Collection #1259.
Key wordsallanite, silicate, radioactive
Tech details447 KB. Hand specimen. Fujifilm FinePix S1Pro digital camera.
GeoDIL number2173