
A Geoscience Digital Image Library

DescriptionSchorl belongs to the tourmaline group. It has the chemical formula NaFe3(Al,Fe)6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)4. Schorl can be a major component of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Some notable occurences include Brazil, Colorado, and the Appalachian mountains. This sample is approximately 6 cm.
LocationUSA ▹ California. Near San Diego.
PhotographerShannon Heinle. 2001-11-27.
CollectionUniversity of North Dakota Mineralogy Collection #1295.
Key wordsschorl, tourmaline
Tech details476 KB. Hand specimen. Fujifilm FinePix S1Pro digital camera; 60mm AF Nikon micro lens.
GeoDIL number1848